As most passengers slept on the train, which was sitting idle at the station in Petarukan, a northern coastal city in Central Java province, a train from Jakarta slammed into it around 3 a.m., according to Transportation Ministry spokesman Bambang Ervan.
He added that investigators were trying to determine if human error was to blame.
"It may also have been mechanical," he said. "We're checking to see if the signals of the parked train were working properly."
The force of the crash knocked part of a train car off the track, and twisted debris from the train littered the area.
By early afternoon Saturday, only one body was still trapped inside the mangled wreckage, said Marsono, a rescuer at the scene.
Thirty-five other bodies were brought to three nearby hospitals, said Tri Yuniasari, a spokeswoman from the Hasyim Ashari hospital, who was helping keep tallies.
Cendana Banandi, a government life insurance official, earlier put the death toll at 43 but later revised his figure to 36.
Meanwhile, another passenger train crashed in the town of Solo at around 4 a.m., said Ervan, adding data was still being collected about casualties.
Officials at the nearby Kasih Ibu hospital said at least one person died in that crash.
Indonesia — with a reputation for poor safety standards and maintenance — has been hit by a series of plane, train and ferry accidents in recent years that have left hundreds dead.
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, meanwhile, demanded sanctions if human error was a factor in either of the train crashes, a spokesman said.
“The president said that the central government is ready to provide the help needed, mainly for the victims,” Julian Pasha said at the Presidential Palace.
“The president is continually being updated on developments. If the investigation shows that the cause of the accident is human error, there will be sanctions for it.”
Julian said that the president has instructed the ministers of transportation, health and state-owned enterprises to handle the case.
The health minister had been ordered to meet survivors to ensure all efforts were being undertaken to ensure they were receiving the required aid, while the transportation minster had been instructed to dispatch senior management of state-owned railway operator KA to the scene to investigate.
Julian would not comment when asked if the Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi, a member of Yudhoyono’s Democratic Party, would be replaced, saying only that the disaster should not have happened.
“It is not acceptable,” he said. “We should do the right thing for this not to happen again.”
Officials at the scene told the Jakarta Globe that the surviving train drivers from both accidents had been taken into custody for questioning.
Associated Press/Camelia Pasandaran/Candra Malik (
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