THE CAUSE OF TRAIN CRASH AGRO BROMO SENJA UTAMA Human error blamed for fatal train crashes

PHOTO VICTIMS OF TRAIN CRASH PEMALANG INDONESIA - The Cause of Deadly Train Crash Agro Bromo vs Senja Utama at Pemalang. Investigation into the fatal train crash in Pemalang on Saturday remains underway, but Indonesian Transportation Minister Freddy Numberi has concluded that human error was the cause of the accident.

Freddy said the Argobromo Anggrek machinist had driven the executive train to a wrong railway track.

“The Pemalang accident was caused by the [Argobromo] machinist’s negligence. The train should have stopped as the red signal turned on,” Freddy was quoted by in Jakarta.

Assistant to the machinist, Jiyono, said the Argobromo train changed railway track to line 3 as the traffic light on line 1 turned red, without knowing that a Senja Utama business train was making a stop ahead to allow the executive train to overtake it.

The Argobromo train smashed into the Senja Utama train, killing 33 passengers.

Freddy also blamed human error for the other train crash in Surakarta, which occurred one and a half hours after the accident in Pemalang. He said the railway track operator’s negligence had caused the crash involving Bima executive train and Gaya Baru economy train, which left one passenger dead and four injured.

The minister said he would take actions against the machinist and the railway track operator.

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